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Xmas Field Day

What a great day for our final Field Day of the year! There was a great turn out of members new and old to enjoy all the activities in action on Saturday.

If you wanted to try your hand at opening a hive, or check if you were testing for varroa to industry standards you had your chance to have a go, and ask questions.

Jeff R showed us how best to cut comb honey from our frames. Lindsay’s hoistable swarm collector was pretty amazing for it’s ingenuity and value as a tool to collect swarms from difficult places.

Topping it off was having our ‘LIfe-Members’ Kevin Gates and Jeff Chandler cutting our Xmas cakes donated by Dave Spice. Thanks again to all our members for making our Xmas Field Day so much fun.

Keep safe and have a wonderful Christmas, watch that your bees have enough water and food over the break, yours, Jo Winter Vice-President’

This Saturday the 5th of Dec is our Xmas Field Day

Start time 10.30am

Here’s the Saturday’s Programme:

  • spinning honey
  • cutting comb honey
  • creaming honey
  • swarm checks
  • varroa checks
  • AFB Checks
  • Nuc Raffle – bring a gold coin

Bring something to eat to go with a BBQ, or something sweet for afterwards.
Looking forward to seeing everyone this Sat.

Open post

Thank you everyone who came along

Great morning at the working bee today. Thank you everyone who came along, from our awesome builders and painters to the dogged tenacious gardeners who’ve weeded planted and dug over our new plots. Can’t wait to show off our work at the Xmas Field Day next Sat.

  • working_bee_1220_04
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Open post
working bee

Working bee

Saturday 21st.. 8.30 start. 

Saturday 28th.. 8.30 start.

 Yes you can come and help your club be better. 
Continue the toilet block building. 
Planting plants and seeds.
Bee hive work. 

For more information. Gordon 0275 389 568 .

Open post
field day

November 7th Field Day

  • Starting at the usual time of 10.30am
  • All members and visitors welcome

There will be a practical demonstration showing what steps you take if your hive gets AFB. This will include how to wrap a hive for transport and how to burn your hive safely.

Also covered are other key aspects of early spring beekeeping such as;

  • the best type of hive inspection
  • swarm control
  • adding supers (for the honey flow)
  • treatments for varroa, pros and cons
  • plenty for everyone

If you want to be in for a chance to win a nuc. of bees. Bring a gold coin and take a ticket in our raffle.

Are you available to help on our stand?
Sunday 15th of November from 8.30am – 2.00pm.
We are looking for people who could come along from the club to talk about bees and beekeeping. The Club is taking part in a fun day at Riccarton Market.
Not having the A&P Show this is a great opportunity to showcase our skills and help others learn about bees and beekeeping. If you have just started beekeeping or you’re an old hand it doesn’t matter.
We’d love to hear from you. Please catch up with Jeff Gibson or Irene on Saturday if you can help even for an hour or so would be great.

Open post

Thanks to all the helpers at the Working Bee on Saturday

Thanks to all who helped yesterday at the working bee. Great weather, long hours but boy what a difference it makes – even if you can only do an hour it all helps. Big ups to all of you! Check out the photos to see what’s been happening.

  • It was an early start for the builders working our new toilet block. Evan had a great team of guys putting up walls and completing the framing.
  • Another team had plants to go in and that meant using the rotary hoe to create a garden first. Who knew clay pans can make spades bounce back in your hands! No wonder the rotary hoe operator had a big workout. As did the diligent gardeners.
  • Gerard and helpers got the long box hive moved and that was no mean feat.
  • Lawns were moved and plants watered.
  • Last working bee the painting preparation had been, in the most part done. Just wait till you see the container with it’s new coat of paint, it looks magnificent!
Open post
working bee

Working Bee Saturday 31st October

Yes it on again help our club to grow to bee the best. 
 It’s Your  Club. 

1..Toilet block. building. 
2..Gardening. Planting shrubs that have been  donated. 
3. Has anyone got a rotary hoe and operator for the  wildflower  garden. 
4. Chainsaw.  
5. Shift the longbox hive. 
6. Shadesail over the food table. 
7.  If you can help in anyway thanks. 

Gordon ..Hivemaster for the Club and Projects Coordinator. Ph 0275389568.
Starting at 8.30am..

Open post
field day

Field Day Sat 3rd Oct 11.30am

Starting with opening the hives (weather permitting) followed by a talk about what to do this month in your hive and an opportunity for our new beekeepers to learn some skills and connect with our most valuable resource – our experienced beekeepers.

There will be a BBQ and we would love to have you bring along a little something to eat with tea and coffee.

The library will be out for members to use and there will be a nuc raffle so bring along a $2.00 coin to be in to win. (the plan is to draw this next Field Day – giving you time to set yourself up to receive your new nuc).

Just a quick reminder to new beekeepers or those interested in bees and coming along for the first time – bring your bee suit but not your gloves. We have some bee suits and hats but it’s on a first in first served basis. Make sure you are covered from head to toe with thick socks and strong shoes or boots, bees are attracted to both dark colours and scent like deodorant and perfumes. Last but not least, If you have allergies to bees please carry medication or your epipy pen at all times and let a committee member know.

Looking forward to our first outdoor get together, see you Saturday.

Open post
Presidents Report

Presidents report

Please find attached the Presidents report and AGM information which is being held this Saturday at the Jefferies Road Catholic Hall.

Start time is 1P.M. and please bring a plate.

Beeline will be in attendance with goodies and the latest information

The AGM will be short and a Field Day will promptly follow.

ADVERT: Our secretary wants a break can someone please step forward to take up this exciting position!

Open post

Working as a team

Hi Members,

Working as a Team!

What is a team? One explanation is group of people working together for a common cause. One might say a CLUB! And that is what the Christchurch Hobbyist Beekeepers Club Inc, is!

Because of this Covit thing our club has suffered.  Some members have been on the grounds planting, gardening, and lawn mowing: these people have my heartfelt thanks.

In October we will be having an working bee and this is what the cartoons should remind you of, we will need lots of members and gear,  so keep an eye out for a date and list of work to be done.

To the few people that have given me stick for moving the AGM dates and field days, well you can elect someone else at the coming AGM 26th of September.

The buck stops with me and I will not shirk my duty.

Members are the most important people and it is up to the management to ensure total safety:  risk taking is not an option.  We are nearly returning to normal and hopefully  all will be normal by October the 3rd which will be our first club grounds field days.

The AGM will also have some field day input plus Ecrotec presentation.  DO bring a mask if you want to, I am guessing we will be back to normal, but we have gone through a rough time so if you feel comfortable wearing a face covering do so.

FINALLY: A committee meeting is scheduled for 12th September, if you have a question or a remit for the AGM, this will be your last opportunity to notify the committee in writing, before the 12th,  either in writing or by appearance. Remits will not be accepted on the day of the AGM. For example: a remit might read: “Drop the word Hobbyist from our official title”.

Reason: Our title is too long for logos and why should we be different than any other beekeepers?

Somebody might like to put that thought forward for discussion at the AGM.


Paul O’Donnell


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