The next Field Day is Sat 4th Dec – it’s our Xmas Party.

We are required to enforce the new government regulations.
No person will be allowed in the apiary, i.e. the club grounds, unless your Covid Passport is presented and checked.
There will be no exceptions!
For those not wanting to involve with item No1, please present at 8-30 to do a wee bit of gardening: weeding that sort of thing.
See Irene Siemonek or phone her 027 3577450 for instructions on what needs to be done. Then at 10.30 go on to general club business.
Programme for field day:
830hrs Gardening etc.
900hrs those newbees or older members wishing to advance knowledge. Training on basics, eg frames/woodenware/varroa treatments.
1030 hrs arrival of everyone else, names in register, scanning, and checking vaccine passes, general discussion.
1100 hrs tea break
1130hrs field day education meeting:
1200 hrs lunch sausage sizzle.
1300hrs open hives and instructions on practical applications of beekeeping.
1400hrs General discussion where members can raise questions, requests etc. Conclusion.
Remember Parents: NO children under the age of five must go past the yellow and black stakes during opening of the hives.
An exception for under-fives, except one and two year olds, if they are fully kitted out in bee suits only.
There will be workshops as we did in November and please bring a little something for lunch, BBQ provided, which caters for both non-gluten-free and gluten free diets.
If there is something specific you would like covered please let us know in good time by contacting a committee member.