working bee

Thanks to those who helped at the working bee 20th Feb 2021

Thanks to those who helped at the Working Bee on the 20th Feb 2021 on behalf of the rest of the membership who were unable to come along; we’d like to acknowledge their valuable work on our behalf. We’re aware that not everyone can help on a Saturday but know that they contribute where they can in other ways.

Thanks to Dave and Irene for organising on the day.

And the heavy work done by others, including: Murray Baxendale, Paul, Jim and Veronica Robinson, Allen Paterson, Trevor Ingham, Lindsay Moir, Tony Gallop, Jeff Gibson.

10.30amWelcome and Introductions –
Health and Safety –
Plan for the day
New beekeepers will work on the nuc.
11.00amOpening and cleaning up the hives, embedding wax for new frames.
12.00pmBreak for a light lunch and drink.
1.00pmMonthly To Do List for March and thanks to those who helped at the Club working bee.
2.30pmPack up


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