As promised I have waited till this afternoon to post the notice for tomorrow’s Field Day..
You will be well aware that the forecast is for rain starting at 7am approx. at 60% chance of precipitation working up to 80% by 12P.M
Gordon our hive master has offered the following to members:
“12th February is our Field Day and again the rain
is forecast.
But still work has to be done.
We have jars to be bagged up @ 50 per bag and they are 250ml for sale at the Club…$30.00 per bag.
We can talk about treatments for the hives how to use them.
No doubt some questions to ask.
Good news is 5th March next club Day hopefully a fine day.
Thanks Gordon,
Hive master for the Club.”
The grounds are quite soft so wear good boots. There are a lot of midges because of the wet conditions,
They can cause quite an itch so wear long pants and bring some dimp…..just in case! You will still need to show your pass as usual and wear a face covering
even if you are working in the container with people.
Beeline will not be attending but ring Brian on 0272456427 to place an order.
Also, subs are due and Kerry will be accepting them as time is nearly up!
WOULD COMMITTEE MEMBERS please txt/email me that you will or won’t be attending. Unfortunately I cannot attend but our V.P Jo Winter will be.
Regards All
Paul O’Donnell