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Christchurch Hobbyist Beekeepers Honey Show
May 6, 2023 @ 9:30 am - 2:30 pm

The 2023 Honey Show will be held at the Club Site on Sat May 6th 2023, so do come along and enter your hive products.
All members, novice and experienced, can participate in the Honey Show. Follow the rules posted, to be in to win one of the two Club Shields -the 2023 Novice or the Experienced Beekeepers Club Shield. Prizes to be announced later.
A shield is awarded to the entrant with the most points overall and a novice shield is awarded to a first or second year beekeeper. (This must be stated at the time).
General Rules:
• Members may only have one entry per class. If required, guidance will be given as to which class your entry should be exhibited in. The judges decision will be final.
• Exhibits must be delivered at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the judging.
• Liquid and creamed honey must be in standard 500 gm square”round” plastic jars with white lids.
• No labels on jars.
• Only exhibits from Financial members will be accepted.
• Write your initials (which may be on a small sticky label) on the BASE of the exhibit.
1. Dark honey creamed
2. Dark honey liquid
3. Light honey creamed
4. Light honey liquid
5. Wax blocks 500 gm minimum weight
6. Mead 750 ml clear glass bottle
Details of each class
1 & 3. Dark creamed honey or light creamed honey
The entrant is to decide which class to enter.
The judge will take notice of flavour, colour, fineness of grain and freedom from foreign material. Please remember to obtain standard show jars. The reason for this uniformity is that different types of jars have varying light densities depending on the thickness of the glass.
2 & 4. Light liquid honey or dark liquid honey the same criteria as above.
5. Wax
Each exhibit must be at least 500gms in weight and from this season. It must be presented as tipped from the mould; points will be lost for chipping or scraping.
The Judge will look for colour, texture and purity. No restriction as to the shape of the mould.
Entrants are advised not to heat wax in iron or enamel containers as this can discolour the wax, for preference use an aluminium container. Do not overheat the wax; strain through stocking or similar; cool very slowly as this makes for uniformity of texture and freedom from cracking. Avoid propolis as this tends to darken the wax. Pure bees wax only to be used. One tea-spoon of vinegar helps to clarify wax.
6. Mead 750 ml clear glass bottle with removable cork or screw top.
No labels on bottle.
Write your initials (which may be on a small sticky label) on the BASE of the exhibit.