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Club day
January 14, 2023 @ 9:30 am - 2:30 pm

- Happy New Year! This Saturday we will be focusing on how to make the best of your honey harvest and all that extracting honey entails. What makes a great honey harvest? How bees make honey?
- We will be covering: what you can do to protect your bees against wasps, how important a good source of water is for your bees, what food bees need to produce a good quantity and quality of honey, harvesting honey, honey extraction, comb cutting, storage of honey frames before and after spinning, how to store extra honey, creaming honey and how to deal with crystallisation and what to check for when opening the hives. Committee members on site are available for any questions you may have.
- If you need any plastic jars for honey we have bags of 50 jars for $30.00 for sale at the Club site.
- There will be a raffle this Saturday for a NUC (to registered beekeepers only-continued from Dec), tickets are $2.00 each.
- Bringing a plate with something to share for morning tea/shared lunch would be really appreciated.
- We will go over how to clean up your boxes and frames and rewire them ready to use.
- A reminder that next month, February our Field Day falls on Waitangi weekend and will move to the second Saturday of the month, Saturday 11th February.
- Looking forward to another Saturday or week day to have a working bee, cleaning up the whare ready for painting and to help in the gardens.